
DC Care Sells Bank House

DC Care Sells Bank House

On behalf of Mr and Mrs Lowe, DC Care is delighted to announce completion of the recent sale of their shares in Crystal House Platinum Limited, owners of Bank House care home, located in Bury, near Manchester.

This sizable property is stone-built, enjoying an elevated position and resides within generous grounds. Two sympathetically designed extensions have been added, creating a spacious environment. In addition to the generous care space, there is an annexe that houses administration, a large training room and a quiet lounge.

Bank House is a long-established and highly regarded nursing home, registered for 43 within the care categories of old age, dementia, physical disability, sensory impairment and younger adults.

Having previously sold The Bungalow, Bolton, in 2018 for Mr and Mrs Lowe, who wished to retire, it was repeat business for DC Care. The home was acquired for an undisclosed sum by Dr Rana Hafeez Ur-Rehman, Dr Khalid Sultan, Dr Arshad Mahmood and Dr Muhammad Saleem Jaffar of AKRS Carehomes Properties Limited. Mrs Lowe will continue to provide support to the incoming providers during a transitional phase.

Following completion of the sale, Mr and Mrs Lowe commented “We would just like to say a big thank you, to you all at DC Care for all that you have done for us, regarding the sale of Bank House, we feel that we would not have got to completion without your help, thank you.”

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