
Sunrise for Highcliffe House in Felixstowe

Sunrise for Highcliffe House in Felixstowe

On behalf of the directors of Highcliffe House Limited, DC Care is delighted to announce the recent successful sale of the former Highcliffe House, aptly re-named Sunrise Nursing Home, a long-established, attractive and well-maintained nursing home featuring modern facilities, located in the popular Suffolk coastal town of Felixstowe, registered for 30 residents.

The outgoing proprietors first acquired the home in 1992 and built it up into a locally highly regarded business. After some compliance issues, the home was placed in special measures by CQC. DC Care however was confident the home could be saved and worked closely with the then incumbent directors, with the consensus that an experienced operator would be best placed to turn the business around.

The business has been acquired by South Coast Care Homes Ltd, a successful care operator with homes throughout Southern England.

The sale of Highcliffe House was handled by DC Care Southern Region Director Andy Sandel and Senior Sales Negotiator Clare Duffey. Reflecting on the new future for the home, Andy commented: “Clare and I are delighted for the staff and residents that the home’s future has been secured, particularly after the uncertainty of recent years. It’s the start of a new chapter for everybody involved and we wish them all the best, along with South Coast Care Homes Ltd in their new venture.”

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